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Through an ever-expanding R&D network,
GC Biopharma illuminates a promising future
for the entire human race.

A representative photograph of developing a professional medicine.

R&D Network

In addition to striving to maximize the efficiency of its research center, GC Biopharma continues to generate R&D synergy through active investments in biotechnology startups, leading corporations, and extensive partnerships with universities and research organizations worldwide. In particular, the collaboration between the MOGAM Institute for Biomedical Research and partner biotechnology startups, both within Korea and abroad, equipped with exclusive technologies, has allowed GC Biopharma to strengthen its position in the global biopharmaceutical field.

GC Biopharma’s R&D

  • RED Division
    Handles early-stage R&D to introduce new products into the pipeline.

  • MSAT Division
    Handles later-stage R&D and improves products.

  • Medicine Division
    Conducts clinical trials on products before launching.

  • Development Division
    Undertakes development projects and handles Regulatory Affairs, Business Development.

  • Business Development Divisionbusiness development work to license in and out novel drug candidates.

  • Partnership with leading corporations worldwide

    • R&D, clinical trials, and licensing and registration
    • Access to greater resources and expertise
    • Introduction of new candidate materials/R&D partnerships
    • Access to expansive global marketing networks
  • Biotechnology startup network
    at home and abroad

    • An extensive network with biotechnology startups in possession of prospective and exclusive technologies
    • Access to new core technologies and ideas in rapidly evolving biomedical sciences
  • Collaboration with academia

    • Access to basic/original technologies
    • Inspiration for new drug ideas
    • Strengthening the R&D pipeline
  • Collaboration with research organizations in and outside Korea

    • Research collaboration with prestigious research organizations
    • Constant access to world-class technologies


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게시일: 2003년 9월 1일