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GC Biopharma

Becoming a leader
In the Global Health Industry,
Ushering In a Healthier Future
For all Humankind.

A Global Health Industry Leader

  • Company nameGC Biopharma Corp.
    (formerly Green Cross Corporation)
  • Date of establishmentNovember 1, 1969
  • Date of initial public offeringAugust 1, 1989
  • CEOEun-chul Huh
  • Main areas of businessPharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution
  • Challenge

  • Care

  • Transparency

  • Respect

GC Biopharma, a biotechnology pioneer in South Korea, is now preparing to take another major leap forward toward ensuring a healthier and happier future for all peoples worldwide. Challenge and innovation, care and compassion, transparency and integrity, and respect and dedication are the core principles that guide GC Biopharma on its journey toward achieving its next goal.


Our mission is to usher in a healthier and happier future for all humankind.
To this end, GC Biopharma has been engaging in a wide range of pharmaceutical research and development over the last five decades.

Pharmaceutical research is ridden with challenges and hardships. Knowing its importance to people struggling with disease, however, GC Biopharma has been ceaselessly pursuing its mission with single-mindedness toward becoming a global health industry leader. GC Biopharma is now ready to join the ranks of the global health industry, as an active member in research, development, and provision of a broad array of pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and healthcare services for better global prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the body and mind.

GC Biopharma Accompanies Healthier and Happier Life

  • A healthier, happier life with GC Biopharma

    This is what we are committed to providing for patients,
    medical practitioners, and people around the world.

  • Pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and healthcare services for a healthier life

    GC Biopharma is committed to making people’s lives healthier and happier.

Core Values

  • Challenge & Innovation

    The source of GC Biopharma’s growth

    GC Biopharma’s relentless drive to rise to meet new challenges with innovative solutions has made the company what it is today. Having always preferred to blaze new trails over following easy and simple paths, GC Biopharma intends to strengthen its reputation and brand through greater R&D efforts.

  • Care & Compassion

    The spirit of GC Biopharma

    GC Biopharma has researched and developed innovative drugs for patients with rare diseases, and continues to undertake charity work for the excluded and marginalized. We are dedicated to restoring hope to patients over and beyond simply treating their illnesses.

  • Transparency & Integrity

    Uncompromising commitment to the right path

    GC Biopharma refuses to reach its goals by anything other than the right way. The company has grown with an unswerving conviction that there are right ways to do things, no matter how long and painstaking they may be. We honor and cherish the founding commitment to prioritize respect for life above profitmaking.

  • Respect & Dedication

    Deep respect for every life at the root of everything

    Respect for life is the first and foremost value guiding all GC Biopharma pursuits. We remain committed to maximizing benefits and value for all our clients, including patients, medical practitioners, shareholders, and investors.


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게시일: 2003년 9월 1일