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Research Organization

The great campaign
To conquer threats
To human health begins here.

Picture of the GC Green Cross Laboratory building

Multiple Product Photographs Developed by GC Green Cross

Localizing Expensive Imported Treatments for Hepatitis-B, Hemophilia, and Other Diseases

Since establishing its central research laboratory in 1982,
GC Biopharma has led the biologics market, particularly in recombinant proteins. As a result, it has succeeded in developing a novel influenza vaccine, a seasonal flu vaccine, third-generation gene recombination therapy for hemophilia, and the world's second-ever treatment for Hunter syndrome, all achieved through the company's proprietary technologies. Additional developments include IV-Globulin (IVIG), Albumin, Hepabig, Antithrombin-III, and Greenplast, many of which have emerged as primary revenue drivers for the company. To further expand and systematize its existing R&D activities, the R&D laboratory was divided into the RED and MSAT divisions, aiming to provide momentum for new drug development.

A Global Research Center Leading Biotechnology R&D

The RED Division is responsible for discovering early drug candidates and conducting early process research and non-clinical development to confirm efficacy and toxicity. On the other hand, the MSAT Division focuses on late-process research. By splitting the R&D laboratory into these two divisions, GC Biopharma aims to create an effective synergy in R&D, enabling it to make a significant stride toward becoming a global pharmaceutical company. The RED Division established a bridgehead for international new drug development. This includes business development tasks such as licensing and collaborative research for various novel drug candidates, in addition to undertaking new biomedicine R&D projects based on life science technologies and innovative novel drug candidate development projects. Meanwhile, the MSAT Division takes charge of late process development for substances undergoing early development. This Division contributes to accelerating new drug development by enhancing the speed and efficiency of the process.

The Largest R&D Facility in the Korean Pharmaceutical Industry Completed in 2013

The new GC Biopharma R&D Center was established in 2013, becoming Korea's largest pharmaceutical R&D facility. Consisting of two floors underground and five above ground, the establishment sprawls over an impressive total floor area of 28,510 m2. It features facilities dedicated to new drug developments, testing manufacturing processes, producing non-clinical testing agents, and specialized analyses. By separating these research facilities and office areas, the center can maximize efficiency within its R&D activities. Thanks to its state-of-the-art research facilities and equipment, the center has rapidly established itself as the forefront and primary driving force behind GC Biopharma's R&D innovations.

A representative photograph of developing a professional medicine.


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게시일: 2003년 9월 1일