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Types of Collaboration

GC Biopharma continues to
Strengthen and diversify
Partner relations.

Photo that shows partnership


In addition to maximizing the efficiency of its own research organization, GC Biopharma has also been generating significant R&D synergy and open innovation through active exchange and collaboration with academia, innovative biotechnology startups, and leading global Biopharmaceutical companies. GC Biopharma’s partners in and outside Korea continue to give the company an edge over its technological competition on the global biotechnology market and enable it to reinforce its R&D pipeline.

GC Biopharma Looks for Partners Interested in Jointly Expanding R&D Pipelines Together

GC Biopharma continues to seek partnerships with companies with extensive experience in researching and developing biological products, including vaccines, plasma derivatives, and recombinant proteins. We aim to partner with companies that possess the necessary infrastructure for supporting biological product research and those committed to developing products for in-licensing.
Additionally, we aim to work alongside companies with experience and capabilities in successfully commercializing in-licensed products.


GC Biopharma has extensive experience with the R&D of biological agents, such as vaccines, plasma derivatives, and recombinant proteins. The company employs professional R&D resources and possesses the requisite capabilities for licensing, clinical trials, and fostering business relations related to such products. Throughout licensing, GC Biopharma allows its partners to access its R&D and clinical trial divisions' expertise, as well as its competitive product offerings. Under its mid-to-long-term global growth strategy, the company actively seeks partnership opportunities across the products and technologies it researches, develops, or has already released into the market.


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게시일: 2003년 9월 1일