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Blood Donations

As a leading blood
Fractionation company,
GC Biopharma actively participates in
Blood drives nationwide.

GC Biopharma Blood Drive

Since 1992, GC Biopharma has been organizing its own blood drives every year to help replenish the national blood storage for people in dire medical conditions. Each unit of the company organizes three regular blood drives every year, and organizes additional campaigns when the national blood storage runs low.


Blood Drive

All GC Biopharma facilities organize 12 blood drives every year. Over 15,000 employees and executives have participated in these drives over the last two decades, with nearly 1,000 continuing to participate each year.

Blood Bank

GC Biopharma has established its own blood bank to ensure efficient management and distribution of blood donation certificates collected from executives and employees. These certificates are then donated to individual patients struggling with medical conditions as well as medical nonprofit organizations.


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게시일: 2003년 9월 1일